Saturday, November 2, 2013

C4T #3

My C4T was about a teacher by the name Tyler Rice. Mrs. Rice is a teacher who enjoys being a high school science teacher. One thing that I have learned to really admire about Mrs. Rice is his passion for his job. 

The fist post that I commented on was about test results for a quiz. The class average for that quiz was a "D". Instead of moving on Mr. Rice spends time reteaching the subject. After the class reviewed, Mr. Rice assigned the students to present the subject to the class and then answer peer's questions. The students not only have had the material retaught to them but they also have had time to rethink and reprocess the material. Mr. rice wanted teachers to know that it is o.k. to reteach material even when standardized test are around the corner. It is our job as teachers to make sure the students have an understanding of the material.

The next post was about class meetings that Mr. Rice holds before he begins the school year. The point of these meetings are to connect, decide, plan, and reflect. The class gets time to connect with each other and the class as a whole. The students are then able to help decide on the important decisions of the class. The meeting allows students to plan upcoming activities and then reflect on activities of the past years. Mr. Rice feels that these meetings make the students feel important in the class and it helps with setting the classroom environment.

 I responded to Mrs. Rice by admiring his passion and effort put into his classroom. I did not think that class meetings would be as effective in an elementary school room as they are in a high school classroom but I feel that it still is a great idea. I also told Mr. Rice that both of his blog post are a good model for teachers to learn from.  

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