Thursday, November 14, 2013

C4K- November Summary

I was able to summarize both Sean and Collin's blog post. They are  from St. Pt.England school and are both five years of age. Both boys posted the math problems that they were learning in class.

Sean's Post- Sean posted addition problems that he had worked out. Sean showed every step to completing an addition problem. He also worked a decimal addition problem and a multiplication problem. Sean showed the steps to completing these problems as well. Sean's ability to work the math problems was very impressive. Sean's blog itself was very creative and colorful.

My Response-Hello Sean, my name is Victoria Williams and I am an EDM 310 student at the University of South Alabama. I have looked over your blog and I really like the art work background. This background makes your blog inviting. I also, liked reading your bio because it allowed me to get to know you a little better. This math post is pretty impressive. By you uploading your math work, people are able to relate to what you are learning in the classroom. Thank you for sharing!

Collin's Post- Collin posted videos of the current math problems that he was learning in class. The first and third video was of division. Collin works the problem out step by step in the videos. Collin also works out an multiplication problem and demonstrates the problem in the video. I was very impressed with Collin's ability to make videos of problems being worked out.

My Response-Hello Collin,my name is Victoria Williams and I am an EDM 310 student at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed watching your math post. I thought that it was so interesting to see what you are learning at your school. The post was very impressive. Thank you for sharing!

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